jesus uses his camera phone

jesus went to apec on thursday as he’s had a long term interest in the asia pacific. given the traffic restrictions he decided not to drive so he dispensed with the motorcade and caught the south coast train to central station. he walked the way he always walks when he goes to sydney on a mission, following the traffic lights, the green man and the tripping tu tu tu tu tu tu for those too blind to see. he first came across the falun gung in hyde park and he watched them and their five poses and their patience, forbearance and tolerance made him think twice. he took himself to macquarie street and soon the road fenced him in to the intercontinental hotel and some black cars, a four wheel drive gmc flying a commonwealth flag and osama bin laden being arrested while the police demanded the id of digital witnesses. he captured the scene with his camera phone but the police blocked the best shot so he moved between the barriers down to circular quay for some seafood and typically after this type of walk, a couple of pints of guinness at the merchantile hotel.

Published – ‘Writing to the Edge – prose poems and micro fiction’ Eds Linda Godfrey & Ali Jane Smith. Spineless Wonders, 2014

Published by Tim Heffernan

Born on the Murrumbidgee at Hay, NSW. Migrated upstream to Wagga Wagga and Cooma. Now exiled to the coast at the beautiful Illawarra.

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